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Berryessa Apartments render with pedestrians walking and riding bicycles


Berryessa Apartments

Project location

San Jose, CA

Project phase

Community review

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Berryessa Apartments image of construction worker at construction siteBerryessa Apartments image of construction worker at construction site

What's In The Works

Berryessa Apartments / North San Jose Transit Center Affordable TOD Housing Project is envisioned to be a mixed-use, mixed-income 100% affordable project and will be the first Phase of three within the 3+ acre VTA Transit Oriented Development site.

Community Benefits


Introduction of multi-modal transportation improvements, as well as enhancements to pedestrian and bike connectivity to the surrounding community and transit riders at the Berryessa Transit Center.

Affordable Housing

This development will add approximately 195 units of high-quality housing for low income individuals and families including the formerly homeless.

Public Art

We are proud to partner with local artists to incorporate public art at Berryessa Apartments.


The project is located less than 1/4 of a mile of the Berryessa Transit Center.


Berryessa Apartments will be all-electric with a goal to have a net-zero energy consumption impact on the environment.

Green Building

An all-electric, solar powered, Green Point Rated Gold project.

What's Happening Next

The first community-wide meeting for the project will be held on September 29th at 6:00 pm. Please check the Timeline for upcoming events and the Comments section to provide feedback and ask questions of the Development Team. Hit the Subscribe button and provide your email address for real time updates.

Berryessa Apartments plan

What's in the Works

Berryessa Apartments is envisioned as an 100% affordable mixed-income residential development that will provide much needed housing and services for low income individuals and families. This Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is located in the East District of the Berryessa BART Urban Village (BBUV) and will provide enhanced station access and mobility improvements, including multi-modal transportation options and improved wayfinding to the station area. The proposed project will be the first phase within a three acre mixed-use site, envisioned to also host Commercial/Office and Market-rate apartments.

What's There Now

The site is currently a vacant, undeveloped parcel which served as a construction staging area for the completion of the Berryessa Transit Center.

What's Happening Next

The first community-wide meeting for the project will be held on September 29th at 6:00 pm. Please check the Timeline for upcoming events and the Comments section to provide feedback and ask questions of the Development Team. Hit the Subscribe button and provide your email address for real time updates.


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